Covering All Your Federal Mapping Needs:
Start to Finish
We have the in-house expertise necessary to cover all your federal mapping needs, including project planning and needs assessments; survey control; wide area lidar and aerial mapping; data manipulation, analysis, and processing; and final GIS data management. Our wide range of mapping and geospatial expertise eliminates the need for you to find multiple firms to accommodate the datasets that result from this type of extensive wide area mapping projects. We focus on fostering a lasting relationship with you, building a deep understanding of your unique project and budget needs to develop innovative solutions tailored to you. As a partner of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) under the Geospatial Products and Services Contract (GPSC), we can also help you take advantage of funding assistance from the federal government to help create a national baseline of consistent, high-resolution topographic elevation data.
Comprehensive Mapping, Processing, & Data Management
We’ve got your federal mapping needs covered. Our team offers comprehensive aerial, terrestrial, and hydrographic data collection, processing, and mapping services. We know how to effectively collect and process large datasets to save you time and money. We support you with:
- Wide Area Lidar and Imagery Capture
- Topographic and Hydrographic Surveying
- Data Processing, Mapping, and Analysis
- GIS Database Development and Enterprise Implementation
- USGS Grant Writing and Submission Assistance
Accurate and Efficient Wide Area Mapping
Conducting wide area lidar and imagery mapping can be tricky—things like deadlines for meeting mapping regulations or funding assistance and prime weather windows can limit the timeline for surveying. But our mapping experts know how to optimize short timeframes to conduct surveys efficiently and within vertical accuracy requirements. We’ve conducted hundreds of wide area mapping projects across the U.S., developing an in-depth understanding of the various flight requirements, regulations, and area conditions in different states. Our team also uses cutting-edge lidar sensors—and as employee owners, we continue to invest in the latest and greatest in mapping technology so we can continue to provide you with the most effective and accurate mapping solutions.
In-House Data Processing and Management
Large datasets like yours require an efficient workflow for processing and data security to protect our nation’s assets. Our GIS specialists offer outstanding, in-house data processing and management services, giving you peace of mind about the security of your data. We’re experienced with multiple different GIS data models, from SDSFIE to PODS to ESRI’s Utility Data Models, and a wide variety of data types. Using this expertise, we can optimize your data processing and even develop customized applications tailored to your information and program requirements. We adapt to your timeline, making sure you meet annual mapping requirements, funding deadlines, or internal target dates.
United States Geological Survey Data Collaboration Services Contract Support
The United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) Data Collaboration Announcement (DCA) has added millions of square miles of public domain lidar point cloud data and derived elevation products to the 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) data holdings. We’re currently supporting the USGS through the Geospatial Products and Services Contracts (GPSC). Our team is also a trusted data collection partner with the USGS, regularly tasked with data collection, processing, and mapping for federally funded projects. We’ll help you navigate the USGS DCA funding application process and secure funding for your project as you help advance the goal of providing the first-ever national baseline of consistent, high-resolution topographic and hydrographic elevation data.