Reaching New Heights in Aerospace

Merrick fully supports the aerospace industry and NASA’s mission to “reach for new heights and reveal the unknown for the benefit of humankind” through engineering and architecture services. We’re proud supporters of space flight at the government/military level and are currently assisting with the journey to Mars. We’re currently working at Marshall Space Flight Center, Johnson Space Center, and Kennedy Space Center.

Our newest office serves the Space Coast in Merritt Island, Florida—a reflection of our commitment to aerospace. Give us a call to learn more about our love for space flight and how we can support you in your next mission.

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We’re Committed to Space Flight

Engineering for the Journey to Mars

Merrick’s test stands ensure that liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel tanks can withstand the flight to Mars.

Supporting NASA’s Facilities

Merrick also provides engineering and architectural services for NASA facilities, including sustainable design for mechanical and electrical systems.

Innovative Engineering and Architectural Services to Support the Space Mission

Revealing the unknown is central to NASA’s mission, which leads to engineering challenges that have never been seen before. Merrick’s diverse markets and services allow us to meet these challenges with new solutions that haven’t been used on NASA’s projects before.

While designing the test stands for the liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel tanks to be used during the journey to Mars, Merrick used CREO, a software program typically used by our nuclear engineers, to model and test the complex structural systems needed in the test stands. These fuel tanks must withstand massive pressure and shear force as they rocket through our atmosphere and beyond, and the test stands must mimic this force on the ground— without fail—to ensure that the fuel tanks are ready for flight.

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