Biosolutions to Better
Our World

Your alternative proteins, foods, or products project is driving more sustainable practices and impacting the consumer market. But taking your one-of-a-kind biomanufacturing technology from pilot to commercial scale can be complex and navigating the strict regulations for production can be confusing. No matter how you plan on changing the future, our team is here to make it simple. We’ll work alongside you from the beginning stages of engineering through construction, startup, and commissioning. Our team has expertise in the development and implementation of complex bioprocessing systems, including continuous and batch sterile fermentation and downstream processing, and will be your partner for every stage of your project. Together, we’ll make a difference.

Your Partner from Conception to Scale Up

Our experts in alternative proteins, foods, and products will help you:

  • Develop your ideas from initial concept all the way to consumer delivery
  • Bring your first-of-its-kind biomanufacturing technology from pilot to full-scale production
  • Implement cost saving measures
  • Streamline production processes
  • Select the best equipment and technology for every process
  • Navigate complex food-grade production regulations
  • Provide enhancements to operability and maintainability for scale-up

A Shared Vision

Our alternative proteins, foods, and product experts are driven by a single purpose: to create biosolutions to better our world. Projects like yours are vital for addressing the environmental, human health, and bioethical concerns facing our planet today. Your biomanufacturing technology is preparing our planet for future generations and defining our food system for the next centuryand we’re here to help. You’ll find the same urgency and passion you have for protecting our planet reflected in our team. And our process, sterility, and food grade design expertise will help you create flexible and cost-effective solutions as you scale up your revolutionary technology.

Bring Your First-Of-A-Kind Technology to Life

We’re your partner as you scale-up your biomanufacturing technology. From pilot design through demonstration to commercial scale deployments, we’ll help you bring your technology to life. Operational flexibility is key for first-of-a-kind facilities like yours—the design must allow sufficient space for future additions and configurations. Our team understands the constantly evolving nature of your technology and will work with you to develop the right solutions that allow for this flexibility.

We’ll help you find the most cost-effective and efficient solutions for your project goals as you scale up your technology and transform our world.

We have extensive experience working with:

  • Sustainable Foods and Proteins
  • Advanced Proteins for Consumable Products
  • Nutraceutical Production
  • Soil Amendments and Bio-Agricultural Products 

Best Practice Biomanufacturing Solutions for the Future

We’re experienced at designing to meet best practices including:

  • Process Industry Practices (PIP)
  • Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP)
  • Project Management Institute (PMP)
  • American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE); Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
  • Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventative Controls (HARPC)
  • FSSC 22000 Compliance

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